United Way ALICE Report for Iowa

ALICE, Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed, places a spotlight on a large population of hardworking residents who work at low-paying jobs, have little or no savings, and are one emergency away from falling into poverty.

The United Way ALICE Report is the most comprehensive depiction of financial needs in the state to date, using data from a variety of sources, including the US Census. Data is available on the state, county and municipal level. The report unveils new measures, based on present-day income levels and expenses that show how many Iowa workers are struggling financially, and why.

ALICE represents a growing number of individuals and families who are working but are unable to afford the basic necessities of housing, food, childcare, health care and transportation. Although ALICE is earning income, pays taxes and contributes to Iowa’s economy, the household income is not enough to meet a basic survival budget in these categories.

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2024 ALICE Report Update

The 2024 Updated report found three factors impacting Iowa households:

  • Costs. The ALICE Household Survival Budget increased; 
  • Public Assistance: Pandemic assistance ended;
  • Wages: Wages increase for most low-wage jobs.

The increase in wages was not enough to fill in the gap to achieve the ALICE Household Survival Budget. 

Key Findings from the 2023 United Way ALICE Report for Iowa

The ALICE Report for Iowa details the 25% of Iowa households who work, earn and pay taxes, but cannot meet a basic needs budget in the county in which they live. Combined with the 12% of Iowans who live below the Federal Poverty Level, the report shows 37% of Iowa households - over 450,000 - struggle to achieve financial stability.

The ALICE Report for Iowa is presented in partnership with the Green State Foundation

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