
Monday, July 8, 2024
United Ways of Iowa was awarded a grant of $940,896 from AmeriCorps, the federal agency for national service and volunteerism. The grant will expand Iowa Reading Corps, a program to provide high dosage tutoring to students in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade. United…

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
United Way ALICE Report details size and scope of financial hardship in Iowa
IMPORTANT NOTE: To read an embargoed copy of the report and find county-by-county and municipal-level data on the size and demographics of ALICE, as well as the costs and community conditions…

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Once upon a time is the opening line of so many of our favorite childhood books. But there is a real story told every day in Iowa that is not a fairytale. It is the story of ALICE. She is working - often at more than one job, has income above the Federal Poverty Level and,…

Thursday, May 26, 2016
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