United Way works for a healthier America, a healthier Iowa

HealthWhether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or an addiction, United Ways are working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care.

National Goal

Since 2008, we’ve been working to achieve our bold, 10-year national goal: to increase by one-third the number of youth and adults who are healthy and avoid risky behaviors by 2018.

Our Strategy

Achieving our goal requires us all to become more aware of health risks and the potential effects they have on ourselves and others, starting from before birth. Working to change policies and practices will enable more people to live healthier lives.

United Ways across Iowa are involved in initiatives to create healthier communities in our state.

How You Can Help

Visit our Give. Advocate. Volunteer. to learn how you can support a healthier Iowa.